The Piece

The Piece

When I see a picture,

I see the pieces.

Some might be missing,

But it’s a vision.

It could be projected from a source of confusion.

It could be a feeling,

Which is animated from within.

Life, good or bad,

Is projected as what is being felt.

Whether it’s a good picture or a bad one is perspective.

My perspective of a vision might be missing pieces which allows the vision to be blurry.

Look within when it’s blurry and ask what needs adjusting.

I see clearly when I look within and find the missing pieces.

It might need to be a process of sorting out,

But necessary to complete the picture.


On the image, does it look in focus?

If not, look within.


Will come when you find your missing pieces.  Complete the repression,

Disclose the aggression.

It’s OK

It’s only feelings of repressed trauma.

It will show an image of truth.


Is the way to process.


With the pain. With the vision of truth.

That’s how to find peace.

The Piece


Don’t Give Up