Instinctive Talk Ep.6 Gabe Howard
Gabe Howard
Welcome and thank you for tuning into Instinctive Talk, I’m your host, Jay Insalaco. This episode is to promote hope for my fellow peers and their loved ones who support them.
Today on Instinctive Talk my guest is Gabe Howard. Gabe Howard is an award-winning podcast host, author, and sought-after speaker. In 2003, he was diagnosed with bipolar and anxiety disorders after being committed to a psychiatric hospital. Gabe hosts the weekly Inside Mental Health podcast for Healthline Media and is the author of Mental Illness is an Asshole.
Visit Gabe on his website,
Thanks for tuning into this episode of Instinctive Talk. If you want to connect with me, please visit my website at If you want to buy a personalized version of my book “No More Crutch”, it’s also available on my website. If you could, please subscribe and leave a review for the podcast. Again this is Jay Insalaco, thanks for listening, tune in next time to Instinctive Talk.
Music by: OII