On Instinctive Talk I want to share life in all its glory and hardships to open conversations about mental health and addiction so we can all see we are all the same. We all struggle, we all have hardships, but I think we all need truth. Nothing is perfect in life, but I believe we all can have better days. On Instinctive Talk I will have solo episodes, interviews, and conversations with people who seek and have found a stability in the world of their own recovery. There will be a bi-weekly episode, so please, subscribe to my podcast, leave a review, and please share it with your friends and family or whoever you think will benefit from some honest and open conversation about mental health issues.

Instinctive Talk Season One Wrap-Up

Instinctive Talk Ep.11 Kevin Hines
Instinctive Talk Ep.10 Denial

Instinctive Talk Ep.9 Acceptance

Instinctive Talk Ep.8 Stephenie Zamora

Instinctive Talk Ep.7 Seasonal Affective Disorder-SAD

Instinctive Talk Ep.6 Gabe Howard

Instinctive Talk Ep.5 Bartholemew Hugh Campbell
Instinctive Talk Ep.4 Michelle Hammer

Instinctive Talk Ep.3 Emily Grossman

Instinctive Talk Ep.2 Kitt O’Malley
On todays episode, Kitt O’Malley talks about her journey with suicidal ideation when diagnosed with depression and how she used her skills to rewrite her thoughts. Also, when she was properly diagnosed later in life with bipolar disorder type 1 and how it affected her life. Kitt is an author of, Balancing Act, Writing through a bipolar life.
Instinctive Talk Ep.1 Tracy Insalaco
On my first episode of Instinctive Talk, my wife Tracy is my special guest. We share about the day I told her of my diagnosis of bipolar disorder and addiction issues. We talk about an episode of mania I had when my daughter was 9 months old and how it was a pivotal moment in my recovery. We speak about how communication is key in a marriage, especially when married to a partner with mental illness. Thanks for turning in, and enjoy this episode of Instinctive Talk.
Thanks for tuning into this episode of Instinctive Talk. If you want to connect with me, please visit my website at InstinctiveBird.com. If you want to buy a personalized version of my book “No More Crutch”, it’s also available on my website. Again this is Jay Insalaco, thanks for listening, tune in next time to Instinctive Talk.
Music by: OII
Instinctive Talk Trailer
On Instinctive Talk I want to share life in all its glory and hardships to open conversations about lmental health and addiction so we can all see we are all the same. We all struggle, we all have hardships, but I think we all need truth. Nothing is perfect in life, but I believe we all can have better days. On Instinctive Talk I will have solo episodes, interviews, and conversations with people who seek and who have found a stability in their own recovery.
There will be a bi-weekly episode, so please, subscribe to my podcast, and please share it with friends and family who you think will benefit from some honest and open conversation about mental health issues.
You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram under Instinctive Bird. Please leave comments and questions on those platforms or email me at instinctive.talk@gmail.com